Confusion ?? Which languages to learn in 2018.
There are various factors that you should take in consideration before selecting the programming language.
First of all, select which programming language will fulfill your goals like JAVA, helps in making android apps, PYTHON is used in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. SWIFT language is used in making iOS applications.

The second factor to look for before selecting a programming language is that if you are a beginner then, which language would be easy to learn, it requires your time and practice hard enough to make the language actually “easy” for you. The easy factor here means that the programming languages like regular English phrases you use
Example, You can write print command in this way

print “Hello World!”

Third and the last factor you should take into consideration is a market need. Ultimately you are learning the language to work for the solutions. The corporate and clients wants are needed to be taken into consideration. See the job market. Which language is more in demand? Look for it.

Here are the top 4 languages that I suggest you if are starting to learn to code for the very first time.


Python is one of the fastest growing languages. Learning Python is easy as it uses simple English phrases as its command. It is a good option when you are going for web-development. It is used by the people who are starting to learn computer programming and on the other hand, scientists in NASA use the same. Python makes applications, enables machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, and web development. It is best programming language to learn.

To get more examples and taking you to insights, YouTube is developed using python. Also, GOOGLE and SPOTIFY are made which are the best in their own business, are made or developed using PYTHON.


Some of the code snippets are provided for you below.

if True:

JAVASCRIPT, the most demanding language today in the IT industry. This code can be written on HTML pages. Javascript is also one of the best programming language to learn. It can also do other stuff which languages as Python and C/C++ do, but it is not recommended to use there. So, mostly it is for web browsers.

Starting to learn javascript without coding basics becomes much difficult, you need to have basics clear for javascript.

As far as the job market is concerned javascript is most demanded language and can get you high payrolls.


Coding snippets of javascript are provided below as an example.

<script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript”>
document.write(“Hello World”)

<script> tag tells the browser to interpret the program between these tags as a script.
“language” is an attribute used here to specify the language used.


SWIFT language is used by programmers who want to design iOS-based applications. There is a huge market for iOS applications in future too. It is based on obj-C language. The applications here made are highly popular and productive as far as their working is concerned.

Swift language is easier to learn than C or C++, but difficult compared to python. Python is the easiest one, so if you know python than you can shift to swift language and you will have fun learning it. It is derived from C and C++ and developers have tried to make it simpler one than the others. So, it becomes easier for the programmers to make applications.


Swift coding snippets. It is the most basic introductory code down here for a swift programming language.

var myString = “Hello World!”

Hello World!

4) C/C++

C/C++ is the most widely used computer programming language. Mainly because it is universal in its working. It can do any job for you if you have great command over it. Many of the Operating Systems (OS) like Unix OS are scripted in this particular programming language.

It is the most difficult language to learn among all the above-listed language. You can learn it in the best way firstly by learning the basics of coding. Best way to do that is learning a language like a python which is the most basic language which will guide you to C/C++.

Companies always welcome programmers having a good hand on C/C++ programming language.


Some snippets of C language are

/* First hands-on C language */ (This is comment line which does not get executed)
printf(“Hello World!”);

Hello World!

So, here are the top 4 computer languages you should learn, taking into consideration all the above-mentioned factors. So choose the programming language to learn by your own factors.