Firstly a simple question, what are variables? Variables are those entities whose value is not fixed. Value of a variable could be changed according to our requirement. Where as on the other hand the constants are those entities whose value could not be changed. They have their fixed value and need to be used in same way.

Likewise, in programming, we have to use some variables and constants according to our need as they make our work much easier.

The Variables in python have same characteristics as we have mentioned above. Variables could be initialized, used and could be further changed in the program according to the programmer’s wish.

In python, we need to follow some of the rules for using a variables and they are:
1) Python has certain keywords like import, print, etc., which could be used by the programmers.

2) Variables could named using alphabets(upper case and lowercase differently, (A-Z), (a-z)), numbers(1-9), and symbol (_)
3) A variable could only begin with a letter or ‘_’
4) It cannot start with a number.

Now, as per the valued assigned to a variable, it’s type changes accordingly.
Example: Here as shown, the variable, is assigned with a number of integer type therefore, the variable is a integer type variable.

Here in the above image, variable vari is used and it is given the value 4 of int type.
Hence the variable vari is int type variable.