The love for cricket game is immense among the people. It is  no different thing to introduce new technologies which can grab people’s attention. In this blog, we will discuss about the LED WICKETS which is one of the best technology in cricket and the most attractive one. It makes cricket look more classy.

But, there is a technical aspect of it too. It is being introduced to increase the precision of decision of whether the batsman is out or not. According to the rules of cricket, a batsman is out only if the bail dislodges completely in the air and it’s not out if the bail is in contact with the stumps even slightly. So in that case, it was becoming difficult for the Umpire to make the decision about whether the bail is in the air or not. Even for the Third Umpire, it use to be much difficult to give a decision in close calls. Because even after zooming, it was difficult to judge whether the bail is incompletely air or not.

Bronte Eckermann, a Former Australian grade Cricketer, is the inventor and main man behind this technology of LED wickets. It took intense research of about three years for this technology to develop. It costs about INR 25 LAKH. You won’t imagine a single bail costs the price of an iphone and the complete is unbelievable. The price is such high because the research of this technology cost them too much time and money which makes the price too high.

Bronte Ackermann once said, “Well, this is a very costly system. The entire set up during a match costs US $40,000 (approx INR 25 LAKH ), so I don’t allow the players to uproot it during any celebrations. But I know Dhoni loves keeping the stump. If India can win then I might get into some arrangements with Dhoni”. It is manufactured by Zing International and the complete set is known as Zing Wicket System.

The contents of this technology include the microprocessors, various sensors, led lights, low voltage battery, radio waves sending and receiving devices. The complete setup of stumps and bails is made up of composite plastic with LED lights incorporate in it.

Lets now talk about the working of this LED wickets.

It works on low voltage batteries which are incorporated in the stumps. A microprocessor is being placed in both the bails which detects that whether the bail is dislodged or not from the stump grooves. The bails and stumps are fitted with the LED lights. The bails react with the Led lights through an in-built sensor and the LED lights start flickering in the 1/1000 th of a second as the bail completely dislodges from the stumps.

After the bails completely dislodge it starts flashing and also simultaneously it sends a radio wave signal to the stumps which after receiving starts flashing immediately in no time. This makes the complete system of wickets flash.