As we humans require the brain to carry out the logical and analytical solutions. Similarly, Smartphones and computers also require a brain called Processors, which can solve arithmetical and logical operations.
Some of the famous processor manufacturing/designing companies are:

1) Intel
2) Qualcomm
3) Motorola
4) AMD
5) MediaTek
6) Nvidia
7) Acer
8) Samsung
and many more companies.


Before learning the working of the processor, we need understand certain terms related to it.

Clock speed (1.2GHz, 1.4GHz clock speed):

The clock speed is the speed at which the processor processes single information given to it. More the speed of it, more faster the it processes the given information in given time then other.


A core takes the instructions and then processes the instructions likewise more the cores, more the processor gets the information at a single time and fast the information gets processed. The multiple cores nomenclature is likewise,
Two cores: Dual Core
Four cores: Qaud core
Six cores: Hexa Core
Eight cores: Octa Core
Ten cores: Deca Core

What are 32-bit and 64-bit processors?

The 32-bit processor takes more time to process same information than the 64-bit processor. The major difference between them is the number of calculations per second they can perform, which affects the speed at which they can complete tasks.

Also one might face difficulty about what is 18nm, 14nm processor?

The 18nm means, it the measure of design and manufacturing of the processor. It mainly is the size of the transistor inside the processor and the distance between transistor. The measure defines processor to be fast or slow and small or large. The 14nm is faster than 18nm and also more compact than the latter.

Looking at the above part of article, now lets discuss about the Moore’s Law:

According to Moore, co-founder of INTEL, the transistor per square inch has doubled since the invention of Integrated Circuits.