Artificial intelligence is the process of building a computer, robots or software that thinks similarly to intelligent humans. This  has created a branch of computer science called artificial intelligence. It is an attempt to enable computers, computer-controlled robots and software to think in the same way as intelligent humans do in similar ways.


The first generation of AI scientists and visionaries believed that we would eventually be able to create human-level intelligence.

AI is achieved by studying how the human brain thinks, learns, decides, and work to solve problems, and then using the results of these studies as a basis for developing intelligent software systems. Several decades of AI research have shown that reproducing complex problems – solving them – is extremely difficult. 

Human Intelligence Vs Artificial Intelligence

On the one hand,  people are good at generalizing knowledge or applying concepts they have learned in one area to another, but not in other areas. 

We can make relatively reliable decisions based on intuition and little or no information, even if we have a great deal of uncertainty.

The ideal feature of artificial intelligence is the ability to take measures that have the best chance of achieving a particular goal. When most people hear the term “artificial intelligence,” the first thing they usually think of is robots. There are great – inexpensive films and novels that weave the history of man – like machines that wreak havoc on Earth.

Artificial intelligence is based on science and technology, but it is also a form of human intelligence. A key driver of AI is the development of computer functions associated with human intelligence, such as reasoning , learning, and problem solving. 

In the following areas, one or more of these areas can contribute to the development of an intelligent system, and each contributes in its own way to the development of AI. 

Categories of Artificial Intelligence

Narrow AI is what we see everywhere on computers today, as intelligent systems are taught and learned to perform certain tasks without being explicitly programmed to do so. The system is not taught or learned in a particular way, but is simply “taught” how to do a particular task, which is why we call it narrow-minded AI.

This type of AI is more common in movies, but it does not exist today, and AI experts disagree on how quickly it will become a reality. If algorithm-driven artificial intelligence (AI) continues to spread, humans will be better off than they are today.

Experts predict that networked artificial intelligence will increase human effectiveness, but also threaten human autonomy, agency, and ability. AI and machine learning are often embedded in applications, offering users features such as automation and predictive capabilities. They address the many possibilities of a computer that match or may exceed the capabilities of human intelligence, as well as the potential for human-AI interaction.

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence 

Intelligent applications make it easier for companies and employees to carry out processes and tasks. Developers have tools at their disposal to develop intelligent applications, whether through machine learning or speech recognition, or by creating entirely new applications using an AI platform. It is important to distinguish these tools by whether they are AI enabled or not, to help develop a smart application. Developer tools are often available to help users create machine and deep learning features in software.

Automation tools, combined with AI technology, can increase the volume and type of tasks performed, as well as increase efficiency and productivity. 

One example is RPA, a software that automates much of the rule – data processing and analysis that is traditionally done by humans. Combined with machine learning and emerging AI tools, it can automate a large proportion of the workplaces in companies by enabling its tactical bots to pass intelligence to AI and respond to process changes. Deep learning is a form of machine learning that, in simple terms, can be considered automation and predictive analysis. 

While AI tools provide companies with a range of new features, the use of artificial intelligence also raises ethical questions, as AI systems, for better or worse, will reinforce what they have already learned. This is problematic because the machine learning algorithms that underlie many of the most advanced AI tools are embedded in the data on which they are trained. As a result, any potential for machine learning distortions is inherent and must be monitored, regardless of what data is used to train the AI program.