What is Web Scrapping?

Web Scrapping is automated extraction of web data using in efficient and fast way. As copy and pasting manually of the data needed of 100’s of pages is not a feasible and efficient. So in that case web scrapping is the best option any day.
We can get the write text, images and other materials from other website and its web pages.
One can also extract the data and store it in CSV file.

How it is done ?

It could be done in various ways. One of the way is by using python and its modules like Beautiful Soup and Requests. Requests module allows you to send HTTP requests using python. Then, the HTTP request returns a Response Object with all the response data.

Beautiful Soup is a python package for resolving the HTML or XML pages into it’s components. This helps in extraction of target information or data from the web page.

Fields where Web Scrapping is used

Data or information is the most vital and important part in today’s world. And it can be obtained from various websites and web pages present in the internet.

Like, In Price montioring
Web scrapping is used in price monitoring. If you are watching for a product online and you want to buy it only when it is for certain price which satisfies your price demand.

Aggregate News article
Web scrapping helps in extracting and aggregated the most important news from different news sources.


Here is an small example of taking a track on Coronavirus cases from a webpage.