Notably PUBG has over 200 Million downloads and over 30 Million active users globally. Ever since it’s launch, it is the most loved mobile game. PUBG also entered the nomination for the best mobile game 2018.

The number of downloads and active users globally, shows the popularity of the game. But, now the addiction of the game has reached to a different level altogether. Parents and Schools demanded for PUBG ban due to increasing addiction among the students. Also found that the exam results were very poor due to lack of studies and more of gaming, this is what parents and schools stated.

PM MODI recently shared his views on PUBG and technology on a meet with parents, teaches and students in Delhi with event named “PARIKSHA PE CHARCHA 2.0”.
In his response to a question asked by a lady in the house about effect of online games on her son’s education, he firstly asked about whether her son is a pubg addict or what in a funny way. PM Modi also asked parents and teaches to interact with their children about technological growth in the world and what are some of the cool technology stuffs at present. He also asks parents and teaches to keep a eye on their children in context with technology he uses and examine whether technological stuffs are making their children robots or great humans.

Prime Minister Modi also stated that, wrong use of technology makes a human less flexible in terms of mind development and if used in a good way can fulfill many human tasks.

Thus what we conclude from this is,
Technology is both boon and bone, but greatly depends on how it is used and where it is used.